Friday, 7 January 2011

Review of BTTS

As we have no games to get into today I thought it about time I had a look at how things have been going with the BTTS bets.

I always felt that high scoring leagues would be the ideal test bed for these bets and so it has proven with the English lower leagues providing an excellent strike rate (S/R) of 75% over 24 matches with an overall profit of 9.38 points.

The best performer has been League 1 with 7 of the 8 bets winning. I suspect League 2 will catch up once we get into more matches as we lost loads due to weather.

I have started running trials on other leagues, including the top leagues in England, Italy and soon Spain. I will not have enough data to make any judgements for a while yet though.

My immediate plan is to continue refining my selection process as I want to maintain the S/R.

At average prices we lose if the S/R falls below 55%. At 75% we make 0.39 points each game we bet on.

Maintaining the strike rate will grow the bank well over time. I start all my trials with £100 and this is no different, I have created a simple spreadsheet to track the bets and will include the compounding bank in it. Each bet will be 5% of the bank and will rise or fall based on results.

NOTE: This is still a work in progress, sample data is VERY small. Future performance may not live up to recent results (ie. DON'T BET YOUR WAGES ON MY PICKS)

Future plans include looking at Scottish football and other European leagues once they start up again as I suspect there will be a few diamonds out there.

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